Monday, December 31, 2018

My 2019 Goals

Well, that is 2018 over and done with and what a year it was! I love looking back on all that I accomplished throughout the year and all the memories I have created. 2018 was the year of making decisions and my life has never felt more 'right' than it does now. Despite this, I actually hate the new year and not knowing what the future holds can often keep me awake at night so, to get over this fear I plan to take each day as it comes and focus on the now. To also keep me focused I create goals for myself and as a person who likes to plan and have structure, I find making new year goals very motivating. I like to make specific and measurable goals so that at the end of the year I know what I have achieved, so here are my five 2019 goals! 

Learn and cook a new vegan recipe every week
I have so many vegan recipe books and I am obsessed with watching cooking videos but I never actually make time to learn and cook new recipes. Being vegan means I have to experiment with my food and different flavours but honestly I have just got stuck in a pesto pasta addiction which needs to stop! So my aim is to cook one new vegan recipe a week and this can range from the smallest bakes to a large family dish but the main goal is to expand my skills and do something I really enjoy. 
Here are some of my vegan food inspo's: 
Lucy Watson - 'Feed Me Vegan' and 'Feed Me Vegan: For all Occasions' 
Deliciously Ella - 'The Plant-Based Cookbook' 
Gaz Oakley - Avant Garde Vegan 

Run 5K
I am terrible at running, absolutely terrible but it is something I so desperately want to be good at! I get so jealous when I see people run effortlessly like please teach me your ways!! Obviously jealousy isn't a pretty trait so I've decided to get myself together and start running and my aim for the end of the year is to run a 5k without stopping. I might achieve this in the first few months and if that miracle does happen then I will increase the goal to 10k by the end of 2019. It's all about self-improvement am I right?! 

Practice yoga every week
I started practicing yoga in 2018 but have never taken it seriously so, 2019 is the year to up my yoga game. Yoga is great for flexibility and strength which will then help me to reach my other fitness goals. I also find it is also good for my mind as my brain does not shut up for more than 2 minutes I find yoga really helps me focus on what my body is doing and how it feels and for 30-45 minutes my brain becomes quiet (so bloody peaceful). Yoga benefits my mind and my body and makes me feel so good overall so practicing yoga at least once a week is non-negotiable. 

Spend less time on social media
The social media addiction has pretty much ruled my life for the past 4-5 years and I have decided that enough is enough! The introduction of screen time on Apple phones has been eye-opening to say the least and I am horrified at the amount of time I sit aimlessly scrolling through Instagram and Twitter. My 2019 and the rest of my life goal is to spend as little time on social media as possible, to get me started my aim is to spend a maximum of an hour a day on social media and my phone in general. I currently spend between 3-4 hours on my phone every day and 95% of that time is on social media (Instagram has taken over my life) and this is making me feel so disconnected from the people and the world around me. So it's time to put the phone down, stop scrolling through social media and focus on what is around me. 

Be kinder to myself and worry less
The final goal and probably the most important one, to be kind to myself. For as long as I can remember I have been my own worst critic and I always put myself under a lot of stress and pressure. I am also a natural born worrier and I constantly worry about myself and the people closest to me and this is something I have recognised in 2018 but I need control in 2019. Putting pressure on myself and worrying about every detail will not change anything and will only hinder my progression and happiness. Although this is not necessarily a 'measurable' goal if I am smiling more at the end of 2019 I see that as a win. 

See you in 2019! :)xx

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