Thursday, September 6, 2018

Introducing Me

Well I planned to start this blog in January as one of my new year resolutions and it's now September, but better late than never! So hi, I'm Alice and I have created this blog to share my passions and to have an outlet for my very tiny amount of creativity. Lets start with getting to know me.

Full Name

Alice Jalley, my parents didn't bother blessing me with a middle name as they found it so hard to choose my first name!

Zodiac Sign

I am a September baby which makes me a Virgo. I do not religiously read my horoscopes but I match pretty much every characteristic of a Virgo. I am a perfectionist and put a lot of pressure on myself and the people around me to be perfect, this is both a blessing and a curse and a trait I'm constantly working on. I have strong opinions and although I may not always voice them if I feel strongly about something you will definitely know about it! I'm organised, modest, an over thinker and worrier, analytical and sometimes bossy (a lot of the time). 

Three things I love

My family! They are the most important thing in my life, my mum, dad and sister are my best friends and I wouldn't change them for the world. I also love a good book and Autumn, my favourite season where the fashion gets better and halloween arrives! 

My best friend

My sister

The reason I started blogging

This blog is my own little project, something I can really work on and feel passionate about. I have started my blog for mostly selfish reasons including growing my creativity, gaining my own writing style and having something I can work on. I as well want to share the things I am passionate about including veganism, health, travel, self care and general lifestyle topics. 

Three habits I have

I have a green smoothie every day for breakfast, I bite my nails when I'm nervous (disgusting habit, I know) and I am a slight social media addict but that is something I am working on. 

My future goals

I am currently working towards applying for university next year to study Events Management, this is something I have wanted to do since I was 14. In the future I would love to be an events manager and maybe have my own events business eventually. I want to travel A LOT. I think it is so important to see the world, it makes you realise how much is out there and the endless opportunities that are out there.

My favourite place

With my whole heart I love New York. I have been there twice before and I'm going back in September (watch for multiple blog posts after that trip) and it feels like going 'home' every time. There is a different energy in New York, everything is so busy and exciting and everyone is their own person. It is full of different cultures and people from different backgrounds, the city is so diverse with its fashion, food, art, languages so you are constantly on your toes never knowing what you are going discover next. If you can do it, I highly recommend giving the big apple a visit. 

My favourite quote

"Loving yourself is the greatest revolution" 

Self care and self love are topics I am passionate about, I will be doing future blog posts on these so stay around for those! 

There we go! I hope you enjoyed my blog post and if you have any questions please feel free to comment below. I will be blogging weekly so I hope you come back again soon!

Stay cool, 

Alice x

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